Whether you place your child at a child care center or have someone care for your child in the caregiver’s home or your own home, the quality of care and interactions will stay with the child for a lifetime. Here are some reasons why quality child care is so important:

Brain Development

The early years, from birth to age 3, play a vital role for healthy brain development. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the number and quality of adult-child connections a child receives in the early years is very important to normal brain development. These interactions shape the way your child thinks, feels, acts and connects with others. This experience will also affect how well your child does in school.

School Readiness

A child’s experience with a child care provider can affect his/her speech development and social behavior. Studies show that children who receive quality child care to better in school and are better prepared for reading and math. Also, they are more curious, are better communicators and problem solvers, and are more confident.

Bright Future and Beyond

Children who receive quality child care are more likely to develop social and learning skills at a younger age. These skills help children build and maintain better relationships with parents, adults and other children. According to the High/Scope Perry Preschool Study, the benefits of receiving quality care continue into adulthood.